π Type β
import (
1. Type string convert β
Description: Convert string to other type
func TypeStringConvert() {
println("Convert string to int: ", gouse.StringToInt("1"))
gouse.Println("Convert string to float: ", gouse.StringToFloat("1.1"))
println("Convert string to bool: ", gouse.StringToBool("true"))
gouse.Println("Convert string to bytes: ", string(gouse.StringToBytes("1")), "->", gouse.StringToBytes("1"))
gouse.Println("Convert strings to bytes: ", string(gouse.StringsToBytes([]string{"1", "2", "3"})), "->", gouse.StringsToBytes([]string{"1", "2", "3"}))
2. Type cast to string β
Description: Convert other type to string
func TypeCastToString() {
println("Cast int to string: ", gouse.IntToString(1))
gouse.Println("Cast float to string: ", gouse.FloatToString(1.1))
println("Cast bool to string: ", gouse.BoolToString(true))
println("Cast interface to string: ", gouse.ToString([]int{1, 2, 3}))
println("Cast bytes to string: ", gouse.BytesToString([]byte{49, 50, 51}))
println("Cast rune to string: ", gouse.RuneToString('a'))
3. Type struct convert β
Description: Convert struct to string, map
func TypeStructConvert() {
type CompanyInfo struct {
Company string
Address string
Contact string
companyInfo := CompanyInfo{
Company: "GeeksforGeeks",
Address: "Noida",
Contact: "+91 9876543210",
println("Struct to string: ", gouse.StructToString(companyInfo))
gouse.Println("Struct to map: ", gouse.StructToMap(companyInfo))
4. Type check β
Description: Check type of variable
func TypeCheck() {
println("Check type is int: ", gouse.IsInt(1))
println("Check type is uint: ", gouse.IsUnInt(-1))
println("Check type is float: ", gouse.IsFloat(1.1))
println("Check type is complex: ", gouse.IsComplex(1.1))
println("Check type is number: ", gouse.IsNumber(1.23))
println("Check type is string: ", gouse.IsString("1"))
println("Check type is rune: ", gouse.IsRune('a'))
println("Check type is byte: ", gouse.IsByte(byte('a')))
println("Check type is uintptr: ", gouse.IsUintptr(uintptr(1)))
println("Check type is bool: ", gouse.IsBool(true))
println("Check type is slice: ", gouse.IsSlice([]int{1, 2, 3}))
println("Check type is map: ", gouse.IsMap(map[string]int{"a": 1}))
println("Check type is struct: ", gouse.IsStruct(struct{}{}))
println("Check type is error: ", gouse.IsError(new(error)))
println("Check type is channel: ", gouse.IsChannel(make(chan int)))
println("Check type is array: ", gouse.IsArray([3]int{1, 2, 3}))
println("Check type is unsafe pointer: ", gouse.IsUnsafePointer(new(*int)))
println("Check type is pointer: ", gouse.IsPointer(new(int)))
println("Check type is func: ", gouse.IsFunc(func() {}))
println("Check type is nil: ", gouse.IsNil(nil))
println("Check type is empty: ", gouse.IsEmpty(""))
println("Check type is empty: ", gouse.IsEmpty(0))
println("Check type is zero: ", gouse.IsZero(0))
5. Type check u u i d β
Description: Check string is UUID
Input params: (id string)
func TypeCheckUUID() {
isValid, err := gouse.IsUUID("123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000")
if err != nil {
println("Check is valid uuid: ", isValid)
6. Type check gmail β
Description: Check string is gmail
Input params: (email string)
func TypeCheckGmail() {
var emails = []string{
for _, email := range emails {
isEmail, err := gouse.IsGmail(email)
if err != nil {
gouse.Printf("%s - %s\n", email, err)
if isEmail {
gouse.Printf("%s - valid gmail\n", email)
7. Type check yahoo β
Description: Check string is yahoo
Input params: (email string)
func TypeCheckYahoo() {
var emails = []string{
for _, email := range emails {
isEmail, err := gouse.IsYahoo(email)
if err != nil {
gouse.Printf("%s - %s\n", email, err)
if isEmail {
gouse.Printf("%s - valid yahoo email\n", email)
8. Type check outlook β
Description: Check string is outlook
Input params: (email string)
func TypeCheckOutlook() {
var emails = []string{
for _, email := range emails {
isEmail, err := gouse.IsOutlook(email)
if err != nil {
gouse.Printf("%s - %s\n", email, err)
if isEmail {
gouse.Printf("%s - valid outlook email\n", email)
9. Type check edu β
Description: Check string is education email
Input params: (email string)
func TypeCheckEdu() {
var emails = []string{
for _, email := range emails {
isEmail, err := gouse.IsEdu(email)
if err != nil {
gouse.Printf("%s - %s\n", email, err)
if isEmail {
gouse.Printf("%s - valid education email\n", email)
10. Type check email β
Description: Check string is email with custom domain
Input params: (email string, domain string)
func TypeCheckEmail() {
var emails = []string{
for _, email := range emails {
isEmail, err := gouse.IsEmail(email, "edu.vn")
if err != nil {
gouse.Printf("%s - %s\n", email, err)
if isEmail {
gouse.Printf("%s - valid custom domain email\n", email)
11. Type check username β
Description: Check string is valid username recommended
Input params: (username string)
func TypeCheckUsername() {
usernames := []string{
for _, username := range usernames {
isUsername, err := gouse.IsUsername(username)
if err != nil {
gouse.Printf("%s - %s\n", username, err)
if isUsername {
gouse.Printf("%s - valid username\n", username)
12. Type check password β
Description: Check string is valid password recommended
Input params: (password string)
func TypeCheckPassword() {
passwords := []string{
for _, password := range passwords {
isPassword, err := gouse.IsPassword(password)
if err != nil {
gouse.Printf("%s - %s\n", password, err)
if isPassword {
gouse.Printf("%s - valid password\n", password)
13. Type check phone β
Description: Check string is valid phone number
Input params: (phone string)
func TypeCheckPhone() {
// Note: Phone format syntax: +<country_calling_code> (<area_Prefix_mobile_code>) <phone_number>
// Reference at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mobile_telephone_prefixes_by_country#:~:text=Property%20Value%20%20Country%20or%20unrecognized%20territory%20,73%20%20%20Etisalat%20%20%20www.etisalat.af%20
phoneNumbers := []string{
"+1 (123) 456-7890",
"+44 (20) 1234-5678",
"+81 (3) 1234-5678",
"+1 (123) 45-67890",
"+84 (3) 668-22796",
for _, phoneNumber := range phoneNumbers {
isPhoneNumber, err := gouse.IsPhone(phoneNumber)
if err != nil {
gouse.Printf("%s - %s\n", phoneNumber, err)
if isPhoneNumber {
gouse.Printf("%s - valid phone number\n", phoneNumber)